Kontent oʻchirildi Kontent qoʻshildi
JAnDbot (munozara | hissa)
k r2.7.3) (Bot qoʻshdi: ast, chr, cs, da, de, en, fi, fr, gl, hu, it, ja, ko, li, lo, mg, ms, nl, no, pl, pt, ru, sv, sw, ta, th, tl, tr, uk, vi, zh, zh-min-nan
Dalmo Pereira (munozara | hissa)
Tahrir izohi yoʻq
Qator 1:
Dan {{etym|sit-pro|zh}} {{m|sit-pro|*s-nja-k||meat, flesh}}.
|mn_note=jio̍k/lio̍k - literary; he̍k/hia̍k - vernacular
|cat=ot soʻzlar,sifat soʻzlar
# [[tana]], [[goʻsht]]
# [[shimgich]]ni, [[boʻsh]]
|cat=ot soʻzlar,sifat soʻzlar
{{ja-ism}} (niku)
# [[tana]], [[goʻsht]]
{{zh-ism}} (róu)
|goon=[[にく]] (niku)
|kanon=[[じく]] (jiku)
|kun=[[しし]] (shishi)
From {{etyl|ojp|ja|sort=しし}}. Not used in isolation in modern {{etyl|ja|-}}. Aralashmalari davom etmoqda.
Bilan yaqin {{m|ja|獣|tr=shishi||beast, especially one used for meat}}.
=====Boshiga shartlari=====
* {{ja-r|肉合い|ししあい}}: how someone or something is [[flesh out|fleshed out]], one's [[build]]
* {{ja-r|肉置き|ししおき}}: how someone or something is [[flesh out|fleshed out]], one's [[build]]
* {{ja-r|肉付き|ししつき}}: how someone or something is [[flesh out|fleshed out]], one's [[build]]
* {{ja-r|肉付く|ししづく}}: to become [[fatter]], to become [[meatier]]; to make someone or something fatter or meatier
* {{ja-r|肉醤|ししびしお}}: [[salted]] meat, salted fish; the [[salted]] and [[mummified]] [[body]] of an [[executed]] person, a practice of [[punishment]] carried out in ancient China
* {{ja-r|肉骨|ししぼね}}: [[bone]]s from which the [[meat]] has been removed; a [[skeleton]]
* {{ja-r|肉叢|ししむら}}: a [[cut]] or [[hunk]] of [[meat]]; the [[physical]] or [[corporeal]] [[body]], the [[flesh]]
* {{ja-r|肉病|ししやみ}}: {{qualifier|rare}} [[obesity]], a [[disease]] whereby the body becomes [[fat]]
Dan {{etyl|ltc|ja|sort=にく}} {{m|ltc|肉|tr=*njiuk}}. Compare modern {{etyl|nan|-}} {{m|nan|肉|tr=jiok<sup>8</sup>}} or {{etyl|hak|-}} {{m|hak|肉|tr=niuk<sup>7</sup>}}.
# [[goʻsht]]