Bu modul uchun Modul:labels/doc nomli hujjat sahifasini yaratishingiz mumkin
local export = {}
export.lang_specific_data_list_module = "Module:labels/data/lang"
export.lang_specific_data_modules_prefix = "Module:labels/data/lang/"
local m_lang_specific_data = mw.loadData(export.lang_specific_data_list_module)
local parse_utilities_module = "Module:parse utilities"
local string_utilities_module = "Module:string utilities"
local table_module = "Module:table"
local utilities_module = "Module:utilities"
--[==[ intro:
Labels go through several stages of processing to get from the original (raw) label specified in the Wikicode to the
final (formatted) label displayed to the user. The following terminology will help keep things straight:
* The "raw label" is the label specified in the Wikicode.
* The "non-canonical label" is the label extracted from the raw label, used for looking up in the label modules in order
to fetch the associated label data structure and determine the canonical form of the label. Normally this is the same
as the raw label, but it will be different if the raw label is of the form `!<var>label</var>` (e.g. `!Australian`)
`<var>label</var>!<var>display</var>` (e.g. `Southern US!Southern`). The former syntax indicates that the label
should display as-is instead of in its canonical form (which in the example given is `Australia`), and the latter
syntax indicates that the label should display in the form specified after the exclamation point.
* The "canonical label" is the result of applying alias resolution to the non-canonical label. Normally, the
canonical label rather than the non-canonical label is what is shown to the user.
* The "display form of the label" is what is shown to the user, not considering links and HTML that may wrap the
display form to get the formatted form of the label. The display form comes from the `.display` field of the module
label data for the label; if no such field exists in the label data, it is normally the canonical label. However, if
the display override exists (see below), it takes precedence over the `.display` field or canonical label when
determining the display form of the label.
* The "display override", if specified, overrides all other means of determining the display form of the label. It is
specified in two circumstances, i.e. in the `!<var>label</var>` and `<var>label</var>!<var>display</var>` raw label
formats (i.e. in the same cirumstances where the raw label and non-canonical label are different).
* The "formatted form of the label" is the final form of the label shown directly to the user. It generally appears to
the user as the display form of the label, but in the Wikicode, the formatted form may wrap the display form with a
link to Wikipedia, the Wiktionary glossary or another Wiktionary entry, and that link in turn may be wrapped in an
HTML span with a "deprecated" CSS class attached, causing the label to display differently (to indicate that it is
-- for testing
local force_cat = false
local SUBPAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
-- Disable tracking on heavy pages to save time.
local pages_where_tracking_is_disabled = {
-- pages that consistently hit timeouts
["a"] = true,
-- pages that sometimes hit timeouts
["de"] = true,
["i"] = true,
["и"] = true,
["山"] = true,
["子"] = true,
["月"] = true,
-- Add tracking category for PAGE. The tracking category linked to is [[Wiktionary:Tracking/labels/PAGE]].
-- We also add to [[Wiktionary:Tracking/labels/PAGE/LANGCODE]] and [[Wiktionary:Tracking/labels/PAGE/MODE]] if
-- LANGCODE and/or MODE given.
local function track(page, langcode, mode)
if pages_where_tracking_is_disabled[SUBPAGENAME] then
return true
-- avoid including links in pages (may cause error)
page = page:gsub("%[", "("):gsub("%]", ")"):gsub("|", "!")
require("Module:debug/track")("labels/" .. page)
if langcode then
require("Module:debug/track")("labels/" .. page .. "/" .. langcode)
if mode then
require("Module:debug/track")("labels/" .. page .. "/" .. mode)
-- We don't currently add a tracking label for both langcode and mode to reduce the total number of labels, to
-- save some memory.
return true
local function ucfirst(txt)
return mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(txt)
local mode_to_outer_class = {
["label"] = "usage-label-sense",
["term-label"] = "usage-label-term",
["accent"] = "usage-label-accent",
["form-of"] = "usage-label-form-of",
local mode_to_property_prefix = {
["label"] = false,
["term-label"] = false, -- handled specially
["accent"] = "accent_",
["form-of"] = "form_of_",
local function validate_mode(mode)
mode = mode or "label"
if not mode_to_outer_class[mode] then
local allowed_values = {}
for key, _ in pairs(mode_to_outer_class) do
table.insert(allowed_values, "'" .. key .. "'")
error(("Invalid value '%s' for `mode`; should be one of %s"):format(mode, table.concat(allowed_values, ", ")))
return mode
local function getprop(labdata, mode, prop)
local mode_prefix = mode_to_property_prefix[mode]
return mode_prefix and labdata[mode_prefix .. prop] or labdata[prop]
-- HACK! For languages in any of the given families, check the specified-language Wikipedia for appropriate
-- Wikipedia articles for the language in question (esp. useful for obscure etymology-only languages that may not
-- have English articles for them, like many Chinese lects).
local families_to_wikipedia_languages = {
{"zhx", "zh"},
{"sem-arb", "ar"},
Given language `lang` (a full language, etymology-language or family), fetch a list of Wikimedia languages to check
when converting a Wikidata item to a Wikipedia article. English is always first, followed by the Wikimedia language
code(s) of `lang` if `lang` is a language (which may or may not be the same as `lang`'s Wiktionary code), followed
by the macrolanguage of `lang` for certain languages and families (currently, only languages and families in the Chinese
and Arabic families). If `lang` is nil, only return English. Note that the same code may occur more than once in the
list. This is exported because it's also used by [[Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/language varieties]].
function export.get_langs_to_extract_wikipedia_articles_from_wikidata(lang)
local wikipedia_langs = {}
table.insert(wikipedia_langs, "en")
if lang then
local article_lang = lang
while article_lang do
if article_lang:hasType("language") then
local wmcodes = article_lang:getWikimediaLanguageCodes()
for _, wmcode in ipairs(wmcodes) do
table.insert(wikipedia_langs, wmcode)
article_lang = article_lang:getParent()
for _, family_to_wp_lang in ipairs(families_to_wikipedia_languages) do
local family, wp_lang = unpack(family_to_wp_lang)
if lang:inFamily(family) then
table.insert(wikipedia_langs, wp_lang)
return wikipedia_langs
Fetch the categories to add to a page, given that the label whose canonical form is `canon_label` with language `lang`
has been seen. `labdata` is the label data structure for `label`, fetched from the appropriate submodule. `mode`
specifies how the label was invoked (see {get_label_info()} for more information). The return value is a list of the
actual categories, unless `for_doc` is specified, in which case the categories returned are marked up for display on a
documentation page. If `for_doc` is given, `lang` may be nil to format the categories in a language-independent fashion;
otherwise, it must be specified. If `category_types` is specified, it should be a set object (i.e. with category types
as keys and {true} as values), and only categories of the specified types will be returned.
function export.fetch_categories(canon_label, labdata, lang, mode, for_doc, category_types)
local categories = {}
mode = validate_mode(mode)
local langcode, canonical_name
if lang then
langcode = lang:getFullCode()
canonical_name = lang:getFullName()
elseif for_doc then
langcode = "<var>[langcode]</var>"
canonical_name = "<var>[language name]</var>"
error("Internal error: Must specify `lang` unless `for_doc` is given")
local function labprop(prop)
return getprop(labdata, mode, prop)
local empty_list = {}
local function get_cats(cat_type)
if category_types and not category_types[cat_type] then
return empty_list
local cats = labprop(cat_type)
if not cats then
return empty_list
if type(cats) ~= "table" then
return {cats}
return cats
local topical_categories = get_cats("topical_categories")
local sense_categories = get_cats("sense_categories")
local pos_categories = get_cats("pos_categories")
local regional_categories = get_cats("regional_categories")
local plain_categories = get_cats("plain_categories")
local function insert_cat(cat, sense_cat)
if for_doc then
cat = "<code>" .. cat .. "</code>"
if sense_cat then
if mode == "term-label" then
cat = cat .. " (using {{tl|tlb}})"
cat = cat .. " (using {{tl|lb}} or form-of template)"
cat = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(cat)
table.insert(categories, cat)
for _, cat in ipairs(topical_categories) do
insert_cat(langcode .. ":" .. (cat == true and ucfirst(canon_label) or cat))
for _, cat in ipairs(sense_categories) do
if cat == true then
cat = canon_label
cat = mode == "term-label" and cat .. " terms" or "terms with " .. cat .. " senses"
insert_cat(canonical_name .. " " .. cat, true)
for _, cat in ipairs(pos_categories) do
insert_cat(canonical_name .. " " .. (cat == true and canon_label or cat))
for _, cat in ipairs(regional_categories) do
insert_cat((cat == true and ucfirst(canon_label) or cat) .. " " .. canonical_name)
for _, cat in ipairs(plain_categories) do
insert_cat(cat == true and ucfirst(canon_label) or cat)
return categories
Return the list of all labels data modules for a label whose language is `lang`. The return value is a list of
module names, with overriding modules earlier in the list (that is, if a label occurs in two modules in the list,
the earlier-listed module takes precedence). If `lang` is nil, only return non-language-specific submodules.
function export.get_submodules(lang)
local submodules = {}
-- get language-specific labels from data module
local langcode = lang and lang:getFullCode() or nil
if langcode and m_lang_specific_data.langs_with_lang_specific_modules[langcode] then
-- prefer per-language label in order to pick subvariety labels over regional ones
table.insert(submodules, export.lang_specific_data_modules_prefix .. langcode)
table.insert(submodules, "Module:labels/data")
table.insert(submodules, "Module:labels/data/qualifiers")
table.insert(submodules, "Module:labels/data/regional")
table.insert(submodules, "Module:labels/data/topical")
return submodules
Return the formatted form of a label `label` (which should be the canonical form of the label; see comment at top),
given (a) the label data structure `labdata` from one of the data modules; (b) the language object `lang` of the
language being processed, or nil for no language; (c) `deprecated` (true if the label is deprecated, otherwise the
deprecation information is taken from `labdata`); (d) `override_display` (if specified, override the display form of the
label with the specified string, instead of any value in `labdata.display` or `labdata.special_display` or the canonical
label in `label` itself); (e) `mode` (same as `data.mode` passed to {get_label_info()}). Returns two values: the
formatted label form and a boolean indicating whether the label is deprecated.
'''NOTE: Under normal circumstances, do not use this.''' Instead, use {get_label_info()}, which searches all the data
modules for a given label and handles other complications.
function export.format_label(label, labdata, lang, deprecated, override_display, mode)
local formatted_label
mode = validate_mode(mode)
local function labprop(prop)
return getprop(labdata, mode, prop)
deprecated = deprecated or labprop("deprecated")
if not override_display and labprop("special_display") then
local function add_language_name(str)
if str == "canonical_name" then
if lang then
return lang:getFullName()
return "<code><var>[language name]</var></code>"
return ""
formatted_label = labprop("special_display"):gsub("<(.-)>", add_language_name)
If labdata.glossary or labdata.Wikipedia are set to true, there is a glossary definition
with an anchor identical to the label, or a Wikipedia article with a title
identical to the label.
For example, the code
labels["formal"] = {
glossary = true,
indicates that there is a glossary entry for "formal".
* labdata.glossary specifies the anchor in [[Appendix:Glossary]].
* labdata.Wiktionary specifies an arbitrary Wiktionary page or page + anchor (e.g. a separate Appendix
* labdata.Wikipedia specifies an arbitrary Wikipedia article.
* labdata.Wikidata specifies an arbitrary Wikidata item to retrieve a Wikipedia article from, or a list
of such items (in this case, we select the first one, but other modules using this info might use all
of them). If the item is of the form `wmcode:id`, the Wikipedia article corresponding to `wmcode` is
fetched if available. Otherwise, the English-language Wikipedia article is retrieved if available,
falling back to the Wikimedia language(s) corresponding to `lang` and then (in certain cases) to the
macrolanguage that `lang` is part of.
Note that if `mode` is specified, prefixed properties (e.g. "accent_display" for `mode` == "accent",
"form_display" for `mode` == "form") are checked before the bare equivalent (e.g. "display").
local display = override_display or labprop("display") or label
-- There are several 'Foo spelling' labels specially designed for use in the |from= param in
-- {{alternative form of}}, {{standard spelling of}} and the like. Often the display includes the word
-- "spelling" at the end (e.g. if it's defaulted), which is useful when the label is used with {{tl|lb}} or
-- {{tl|tlb}}; but it causes redundancy when used with the form-of templates, which add the word "form",
-- "spelling", "standard spelling", etc. after the label.
if mode == "form-of" then
display = display:gsub(" spelling$", "")
if display:find("%[%[") then
formatted_label = display
local glossary = labprop("glossary")
local Wiktionary = labprop("Wiktionary")
local Wikipedia = labprop("Wikipedia")
local Wikidata = labprop("Wikidata")
if glossary then
local glossary_entry = type(glossary) == "string" and glossary or label
formatted_label = "[[Appendix:Glossary#" .. glossary_entry .. "|" .. display .. "]]"
elseif Wiktionary then
formatted_label = "[[" .. Wiktionary .. "|" .. display .. "]]"
elseif Wikipedia then
local Wikipedia_entry = type(Wikipedia) == "string" and Wikipedia or label
formatted_label = "[[w:" .. Wikipedia_entry .. "|" .. display .. "]]"
elseif Wikidata then
if not mw.wikibase then
error(("Unable to retrieve data from Wikidata ID for label '%s'; `mw.wikibase` not defined"
local function make_formatted_label(wmcode, id)
local article = mw.wikibase.sitelink(id, wmcode .. "wiki")
if article then
local link = wmcode == "en" and "w:" .. article or "w:" .. wmcode .. ":" .. article
return ("[[%s|%s]]"):format(link, display)
return nil
if type(Wikidata) == "table" then
Wikidata = Wikidata[1]
local wmcode, id = Wikidata:match("^(.*):(.*)$")
if wmcode then
formatted_label = make_formatted_label(wmcode, id)
local langs_to_check = export.get_langs_to_extract_wikipedia_articles_from_wikidata(lang)
for _, wmcode in ipairs(langs_to_check) do
formatted_label = make_formatted_label(wmcode, Wikidata)
if formatted_label then
formatted_label = formatted_label or display
formatted_label = display
if deprecated then
formatted_label = '<span class="deprecated-label">' .. formatted_label .. '</span>'
return formatted_label, deprecated
Return information on a label. On input `data` is an object with the following fields:
* `label`: The raw label to return information on.
* `lang`: The language of the label. Must be specified unless `for_doc` is given.
* `mode`: How the label was invoked. One of the following:
** {nil} or {"label"}: invoked through {{tl|lb}} or another template whose labels in the same fashion, e.g.
{{tl|alt}}, {{tl|quote}} or {{tl|syn}};
** {"term-label"}: invoked through {{tl|tlb}};
** {"accent"}: invoked through {{tl|a}} or the {{para|a}} or {{para|aa}} parameters of other pronunciation templates,
such as {{tl|IPA}}, {{tl|rhymes}} or {{tl|homophones}};
** {"form-of"}: invoked through {{tl|alt form}}, {{tl|standard spelling of}} or other form-of template.
This changes the display and/or categorization of a minority of labels. (The majority work the same for all modes.)
* `for_doc`: Data is being fetched for documentation purposes. This causes the raw categories returned in
`categories` to be formatted for documentation display.
* `nocat`: If true, don't add the label to any categories.
* `notrack`: Disable all tracking for this label.
* `already_seen`: An object used to track labels already seen, so they aren't displayed twice. Tracking is according
to the display form of the label, so if two labels have the same display form, the second one won't be displayed
(but its categories will still be added). If `already_seen` is {nil}, this tracking doesn't happen.
The return value is an object with the following fields:
* `raw_text`: If specified, the object does not describe a label but simply raw text surrounding labels. This occurs
when double angle bracket (<<...>>) notation is used. {get_label_info()} does not currently return objects with this
field set, but {process_raw_labels()} does. The value is {"begin"} (this is the first raw text portion derived from
a double angle bracket spec, provided there are at least two raw text portions); {"end"} (this is the last raw text
portion derived from a double angle bracket spec, provided there are at least two portions); {"middle"} (this is
neither the first nor the last raw text portion); or {"only"} (this is a raw text portion standing by itself). The
particular value determines the handling of commas and spaces on one or both sides of the raw text. If this field is
specified, only the `label` field (containing the actual raw text) and the `category` field (containing an empty list)
are set; all other fields are {nil}.
* `raw_label`: The raw label that was passed in.
* `non_canonical`: The label prior to canonicalization (i.e. alias resolution). Usually this is the same as `raw_label`,
but if the raw label was preceded by an exclamation point (meaning "display the raw label as-is"), this field will
contain the label stripped of the exclamation point, and if the raw label is of the form
`<var>label</var>!<var>display</var>` (meaning "display the label in the specified form"), this field will contain the
label before the exclamation point.
* `canonical`: If the label in `non_canonical` is an alias, this contains the canonical name of the label; otherwise it
will be {nil}.
* `override_display`: If specified, this contains a string that overrides the normal display form of the label. The
display form of a label is the `.display` field of the label data if present, and otherwise is normally the canonical
form of the label (i.e. after alias resolution). (This is not the same as the formatted form of the label, found in
`label`, which is the final form shown to the user and includes links to Wikipedia, the glossary, etc. as well as an
HTML wrapper if the label is deprecated.) If `override_display` is specified, however, this is used in place of the
normal display form of the label. This currently happens in two circumstances: (1) the label was preceded by ! to
indicate that the raw label should be displayed rather than the canonical form; (2) the label was given in the form
`<var>label</var>!<var>display</var>` (meaning "display the label in the specified `<var>display</var>` form").
* `label`: The formatted form of the label. This is what is actually shown to the user. If the label is recognized
(found in some module), this will typically be in the form of a link.
* `categories`: A list of the categories to add the label to; an empty list of `nocat` was specified.
* `formatted_categories`: A string containing the formatted categories; {nil} if `nocat` or `for_doc` was specified,
or if `categories` is empty. Currently will be an empty string if there are categories to format but the namespace is
one that normally excludes categories (e.g. userspace and discussion pages), and `force_cat` isn't specified.
* `deprecated`: True if the label is deprecated.
* `recognized`: If true, the label was found in some module.
* `data`: The data structure for the label, as fetched from the label modules. For unrecognized labels, this will
be an empty object.
function export.get_label_info(data)
if not data.label then
error("`data` must now be an object containing the params")
local mode = validate_mode(data.mode)
local ret = {categories = {}}
local label = data.label
local raw_label = label
ret.raw_label = raw_label
local override_display
if label:find("^!") then
label = label:gsub("^!", "")
override_display = label
elseif label:find("![^%s]") then
label, override_display = label:match("^(.-)!([^%s].*)$")
if not label then
error(("Internal error: This Lua pattern should never fail to match for label '%s'"):format(raw_label))
local non_canonical = label
ret.non_canonical = non_canonical
local deprecated = false
local labdata
local submodule
local data_langcode = data.lang and data.lang:getCode() or nil
local submodules_to_check = export.get_submodules(data.lang)
for _, submodule_to_check in ipairs(submodules_to_check) do
submodule = mw.loadData(submodule_to_check)
local this_labdata = submodule[label]
local resolved_label
if type(this_labdata) == "string" then
resolved_label = this_labdata
this_labdata = submodule[this_labdata]
if not this_labdata then
error(("Internal error: Label alias '%s' points to '%s', which is undefined in module [[%s]]"):format(
label, resolved_label, submodule_to_check))
if type(this_labdata) == "string" then
error(("Internal error: Label alias '%s' points to '%s', which is also an alias (of '%s') in module [[%s]]"):format(
label, resolved_label, this_labdata, submodule_to_check))
if this_labdata then
-- Make sure either there's no lang restriction, or we're processing lang-independent, or our language
-- is among the listed languages. Otherwise, continue processing (which could conceivably pick up a
-- lang-appropriate version of the label in another label data module).
local lablangs = getprop(this_labdata, mode, "langs")
if not lablangs or not data_langcode then
labdata = this_labdata
label = resolved_label or label
local lang_in_list = false
for _, langcode in ipairs(lablangs) do
if langcode == data_langcode then
lang_in_list = true
if lang_in_list then
labdata = this_labdata
label = resolved_label or label
elseif not data.notrack then
-- Track use of a label that fails the lang restriction.
-- [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Wiktionary:Tracking/labels/wrong-lang-label]]
-- [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Wiktionary:Tracking/labels/wrong-lang-label/LANGCODE]]
-- [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Wiktionary:Tracking/labels/wrong-lang-label/LABEL]]
-- [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Wiktionary:Tracking/labels/wrong-lang-label/LABEL/LANGCODE]]
track("wrong-lang-label", data_langcode)
track("wrong-lang-label/" .. label, data_langcode)
if resolved_label then
track("wrong-lang-label/" .. resolved_label, data_langcode)
if labdata then
ret.recognized = true
labdata = {}
ret.recognized = false
local function labprop(prop)
return getprop(labdata, mode, prop)
if labprop("deprecated") then
deprecated = true
if label ~= non_canonical then
-- Note that this is an alias and store the canonical version.
ret.canonical = label
if not data.notrack then -- labprop("track") then -- track all labels now
-- Track label (after converting aliases to canonical form; but also track raw label (alias) if different
-- from canonical label).
-- [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Wiktionary:Tracking/labels/label/LABEL]]
-- [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Wiktionary:Tracking/labels/label/LABEL/LANGCODE]]
-- [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Wiktionary:Tracking/labels/label/LABEL/MODE]]
track("label/" .. label, data_langcode, mode)
if label ~= non_canonical then
track("label/" .. non_canonical, data_langcode, mode)
local formatted_label
formatted_label, deprecated = export.format_label(label, labdata, data.lang, deprecated, override_display, mode)
ret.deprecated = deprecated
if deprecated then
if not data.nocat then
local depcat = "Entries with deprecated labels"
if data.for_doc then
depcat = "<code>" .. depcat .. "</code>"
table.insert(ret.categories, depcat)
local label_for_already_seen =
(labprop("topical_categories") or labprop("regional_categories")
or labprop("plain_categories") or labprop("pos_categories")
or labprop("sense_categories")) and formatted_label
or nil
-- Track label text. If label text was previously used, don't show it, but include the categories.
-- For an example, see [[hypocretin]].
if data.already_seen and data.already_seen[label_for_already_seen] then
ret.label = ""
if formatted_label:find("{") then
formatted_label = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(formatted_label)
ret.label = formatted_label
if data.nocat then
-- do nothing
local cats = export.fetch_categories(label, labdata, data.lang, mode, data.for_doc)
for _, cat in ipairs(cats) do
table.insert(ret.categories, cat)
if not ret.categories[1] or data.for_doc then
-- Don't try to format categories if we're doing this for documentation ({{label/doc}}), because there
-- will be HTML in the categories.
-- do nothing
ret.formatted_categories = require(utilities_module).format_categories(ret.categories, data.lang,
data.sort, nil, force_cat)
end = labdata
if label_for_already_seen and data.already_seen then
data.already_seen[label_for_already_seen] = true
return ret
Split a string containing comma-separated raw labels into the individual labels. This will not split on a comma
followed by whitespace, and it will not split inside of matched <...> or [...]. The code is written to be efficient, so
that it does not load modules (e.g. [[Module:parse utilities]]) unnecessarily.
function export.split_labels_on_comma(term)
if term:find("[%[<]") then
-- Do it the "hard way". We don't want to split anything inside of <...> or <<...>> even if there are commas
-- inside of the angle brackets. For good measure we do the same for [...] and [[...]]. We first parse balanced
-- segment runs involving either [...] or <...>. Then we split alternating runs on comma (but not on
-- comma+whitespace). Then we rejoin the split runs. For example, given the following:
-- "regional,older <<non-rhotic,and,non-hoarse-horse>> speakers", the first call to
-- parse_multi_delimiter_balanced_segment_run() produces
-- {"regional,older ", "<<non-rhotic,and,non-hoarse-horse>>", " speakers"}
-- After calling split_alternating_runs_on_comma(), we get the following:
-- {{"regional"}, {"older ", "<<non-rhotic,and,non-hoarse-horse>>", " speakers"}}
-- After rejoining each group, we get:
-- {"regional", "older <<non-rhotic,and,non-hoarse-horse>> speakers"}
-- which is the desired output. When processing the second "label" string, the code in process_raw_labels()
-- will do a similar process to this to pull out the labels inside of the <<...>> notation.
local put = require(parse_utilities_module)
local segments = put.parse_multi_delimiter_balanced_segment_run(term, {{"<", ">"}, {"[", "]"}})
-- This won't split on comma+whitespace.
local comma_separated_groups = put.split_alternating_runs_on_comma(segments)
for i, group in ipairs(comma_separated_groups) do
comma_separated_groups[i] = table.concat(group)
return comma_separated_groups
elseif term:find(",%s") then
-- This won't split on comma+whitespace.
return require(parse_utilities_module).split_on_comma(term)
elseif term:find(",") then
return require(string_utilities_module).split(term, ",")
return {term}
Return a list of objects corresponding to a set of raw labels. Each object returned is of the format returned by
{get_label_info()}. This is similar to looping over the labels and calling {get_label_info()} on each one, but it also
correctly handles embedded double angle bracket specs <<...>> found in the labels. (In such a case, there will be more
objects returned than raw labels passed in.) On input, `data` is an object with the following fields:
* `labels`: The list of labels to process.
* `lang`: The language of the labels. Must be specified.
* `mode`: How the label was invoked; see {get_label_info()} for more information.
* `nocat`: If true, don't add the label to any categories.
* `notrack`: Disable all tracking for this label.
* `sort`: Sort key for categorization.
* `already_seen`: An object used to track labels already seen, so they aren't displayed twice. Tracking is according
to the display form of the label, so if two labels have the same display form, the second one won't be displayed
(but its categories will still be added). If `already_seen` is {nil}, this tracking doesn't happen.
'''WARNING''': This destructively modifies the `data` structure.
function export.process_raw_labels(data)
local label_infos = {}
local function get_info_and_insert(label)
-- Reuse this structure to save memory.
data.label = label
table.insert(label_infos, export.get_label_info(data))
for _, label in ipairs(data.labels) do
if label:find("<<") then
local segments = require(string_utilities_module).split(label, "<<(.-)>>")
for i, segment in ipairs(segments) do
if i % 2 == 1 then
local raw_text_type = i == 1 and "begin" or i == #segments and "end" or "middle"
table.insert(label_infos, {raw_text = raw_text_type, label = segment, categories = {}})
local segment_labels = export.split_labels_on_comma(segment)
for _, segment_label in ipairs(segment_labels) do
return label_infos
Split a comma-separated string of raw labels and process each label to get a list of objects suitable for passing to
{format_processed_labels()}. Each object returned is of the format returned by {get_label_info()}. This is equivalent to
calling {split_labels_on_comma()} followed by {process_raw_labels()}. On input, `data` is an object with the following
* `labels`: The string containing the raw comma-separated labels.
* `lang`: The language of the labels. Must be specified.
* `mode`: How the label was invoked; see {get_label_info()} for more information.
* `nocat`: If true, don't add the label to any categories.
* `notrack`: Disable all tracking for this label.
* `sort`: Sort key for categorization.
* `already_seen`: An object used to track labels already seen, so they aren't displayed twice. Tracking is according
to the display form of the label, so if two labels have the same display form, the second one won't be displayed
(but its categories will still be added). If `already_seen` is {nil}, this tracking doesn't happen.
'''WARNING''': This destructively modifies the `data` structure.
function export.split_and_process_raw_labels(data)
data.labels = export.split_labels_on_comma(data.labels)
return export.process_raw_labels(data)
Format one or more already-processed labels for display and categorization. "Already-processed" means that
{get_label_info()} or {process_raw_labels()} has been called on the raw labels to convert them into objects containing
information on how to display and categorize the labels. This is a lower-level alternative to {show_labels()} and is
meant for modules such as [[Module:alternative forms]], [[Module:quote]] and [[Module:etymology/templates/descendant]]
that support displaying labels along with some other information.
On input `data` is an object with the following fields:
* `labels`: List of the label objects to format, in the format returned by {get_label_info()}.
* `lang`: The language of the labels.
* `mode`: How the label was invoked; see {get_label_info()} for more information.
* `sort`: Sort key for categorization.
* `already_seen`: An object used to track labels already seen, so they aren't displayed twice, as documented in
{get_label_info()}. To enable this, set this to an empty object. If `already_seen` is {nil}, this tracking doesn't
happen, meaning if the same label appears twice, it will be displayed twice.
* `open`: Open bracket or parenthesis to display before the concatenated labels. If specified, it is wrapped in the
{"ib-brac"} CSS class. If {nil}, no open bracket is displayed.
* `close`: Close bracket or parenthesis to display after the concatenated labels. If specified, it is wrapped in the
{"ib-brac"} CSS class. If {nil}, no close bracket is displayed.
* `no_ib_content`: By default, the concatenated formatted labels inside of the open/close brackets are wrapped in the
{"ib-content"} CSS class. Specify this to suppress this wrapping.
Return value is a string containing the contenated labels, optionally surrounded by open/close brackets or parentheses.
Normally, labels are separated by comma-space sequences, but this may be suppressed for certain labels. If `nocat`
wasn't given to {get_label_info() or process_raw_labels()}, the label objects will contain formatted categories in
them, which will be inserted into the returned text. The concatenated text inside of the open/close brackets is normally
wrapped in the {"ib-content"} CSS class, but this can be suppressed, as mentioned above.
'''WARNING''': This destructively modifies the `data` structure.
function export.format_processed_labels(data)
if not data.labels then
error("`data` must now be an object containing the params")
local labels = data.labels
if not labels[1] then
error("You must specify at least one label.")
-- Show the labels
local omit_preComma = false
local omit_postComma = true
local omit_preSpace = false
local omit_postSpace = true
for _, label in ipairs(labels) do
omit_preComma = omit_postComma
omit_preSpace = omit_postSpace
local raw_text_omit_before = label.raw_text == "middle" or label.raw_text == "end"
local raw_text_omit_after = label.raw_text == "middle" or label.raw_text == "begin"
label.omit_comma = omit_preComma or ( and or raw_text_omit_before
omit_postComma = ( and or raw_text_omit_after
label.omit_space = omit_preSpace or ( and or raw_text_omit_before
omit_postSpace = ( and or raw_text_omit_after
if data.lang then
local lang_functions_module = export.lang_specific_data_modules_prefix .. data.lang:getCode() .. "/functions"
local m_lang_functions = require(utilities_module).safe_require(lang_functions_module)
if m_lang_functions and m_lang_functions.postprocess_handlers then
for _, handler in ipairs(m_lang_functions.postprocess_handlers) do
for i, labelinfo in ipairs(labels) do
local label
-- Need to check for 'not raw_text' here because blank labels may legitimately occur as raw text if a double
-- angle bracket spec occurs at the beginning of a label. In this case we've already taken into account the
-- context and don't want to leave out a preceding comma and space e.g. in a case like
-- {{lb|en|rare|<<dialect>> or <<eye dialect>>}}. FIXME: We should reconsider whether we need this special case
-- at all.
if labelinfo.label == "" and not labelinfo.raw_text then
label = ""
label = (labelinfo.omit_comma and "" or '<span class="ib-comma">,</span>') ..
(labelinfo.omit_space and "" or " ") ..
labels[i] = label .. (labelinfo.formatted_categories or "")
local function wrap_open_close(val)
if val then
return "<span class=\"ib-brac\">" .. val .. "</span>"
return ""
local concatenated_labels = table.concat(labels, "")
if not data.no_ib_content then
concatenated_labels = "<span class=\"ib-content\">" .. concatenated_labels .. "</span>"
return wrap_open_close( .. concatenated_labels .. wrap_open_close(data.close)
Format one or more labels for display and categorization. This provides the implementation of the
{{tl|label}}/{{tl|lb}}, {{tl|term label}}/{{tl|tlb}} and {{tl|accent}}/{{tl|a}} templates, and can also be called from a
module. The return value is a string to be inserted into the generated page, including the display and categories. On
input `data` is an object with the following fields:
* `labels`: List of the labels to format.
* `lang`: The language of the labels.
* `mode`: How the label was invoked; see {get_label_info()} for more information.
* `nocat`: If true, don't add the labels to any categories.
* `notrack`: Disable all tracking for these labels.
* `sort`: Sort key for categorization.
* `no_track_already_seen`: Don't track already-seen labels. If not specified, already-seen labels are not displayed
again, but still categorize. See the documentation of {get_label_info()}.
* `open`: Open bracket or parenthesis to display before the concatenated labels. If {nil}, defaults to an open
parenthesis. Set to {false} to disable.
* `close`: Close bracket or parenthesis to display after the concatenated labels. If {nil}, defaults to a close
parenthesis. Set to {false} to disable.
Compared with {format_processed_labels()}, this function has the following differences:
# The labels specified in `labels` are raw labels (i.e. strings) rather than formatted objects.
# The open and close brackets default to parentheses ("round brackets") rather than not being displayed by default.
# Tracking of already-seen labels is enabled unless explicitly turned off using `no_track_already_seen`.
# The entire formatted result is wrapped in a {"usage-label-<var>type</var>"} CSS class (depending on the value of
'''WARNING''': This destructively modifies the `data` structure.
function export.show_labels(data)
if not data.labels then
error("`data` must now be an object containing the params")
local labels = data.labels
if not labels[1] then
error("You must specify at least one label.")
local mode = validate_mode(data.mode)
if not data.no_track_already_seen then
data.already_seen = {}
data.labels = export.process_raw_labels(data)
if == nil then = "("
if data.close == nil then
data.close = ")"
local formatted = export.format_processed_labels(data)
return "<span class=\"" .. mode_to_outer_class[mode] .. "\">" .. formatted .. "</span>"
--[==[Helper function for the data modules.]==]
function export.alias(labels, key, aliases)
require(table_module).alias(labels, key, aliases)
Split the display form of a label. Returns two values: `link` and `display`. If the display form consists of a
two-part link, `link` is the first part and `display` is the second part. If the display form consists of a
single-part link, `link` and `display` are the same. Otherwise (the display form is not a link or contains an
embedded link), `link` is the same as the passed-in `label` and `display` is nil.
function export.split_display_form(label)
if not label:find("%[%[") then
return label, nil
local link, display = label:match("^%[%[([^%[%]|]+)|([^%[%]|]+)%]%]$")
if link then
return link, display
local link = label:match("^%[%[([^%[%]|])+%]%]$")
if link then
return link, link
return label, nil
Combine the `link` and `display` parts of the display form of a label as returned by {split_display_form()}.
If `display` is nil, `link` is returned directly. Otherwise, a one-part or two-part link is constructed
depending on whether `link` and `display` are the same. (As a special case, if both consist of a blank string,
the return value is a blank string rather than a malformed link.)
function export.combine_display_form_parts(link, display)
if not display then
return link
if link == display then
if link == "" then
return ""
return ("[[%s]]"):format(link)
return ("[[%s|%s]]"):format(link, display)
--[==[Used to finalize the data into the form that is actually returned.]==]
function export.finalize_data(labels)
local shallowcopy = require(table_module).shallowcopy
local aliases = {}
for label, data in pairs(labels) do
if type(data) == "table" then
if data.aliases then
for _, alias in ipairs(data.aliases) do
aliases[alias] = label
data.aliases = nil
if data.deprecated_aliases then
local data2 = shallowcopy(data)
data2.deprecated = true
data2.canonical = label
for _, alias in ipairs(data2.deprecated_aliases) do
aliases[alias] = data2
data.deprecated_aliases = nil
data2.deprecated_aliases = nil
for label, data in pairs(aliases) do
labels[label] = data
return labels
return export